The following informative statement is indicated according to the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 and to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR).
The proprietor of the treatment is the association ASD MONTIFERRU MTB with registered office in Via Tirso, n°4 – 09070, Seneghe (OR) – Italy.
VAT ID NUMBER: 01214260950 | FISCAL CODE: 90053580958.
For the exercise of your own rights, you can send an email to
Data are collected to provide a service, for the enforcement of a contract, for replying to a request or following a spontaneous provision of personal data by the user (which might be discretionary). Non-conferment of data will impede or limit the provision of the service or the performance of the contract with the party concerned.
Personal data shall be also used for one or more of the following purposes:
– The sending of technical, informative and commercial information
– Market research or quality control
Navigation data relating to IP address, date and time of access, URL requested are also collected and used anonymously. These data are collected for statystical purpose, to check the correct functioning of the services, for security reasons and to comply with current legislation. These data are transmitted to third parties for the sole above-listed purposes.
Personal data can be communicated to third parties for the execution of the purposes for the processing.
Personal data is retained for an unlimited period of time, at the discretion of the rightholder. Where applicable, personal data is retained in any case for the minimum prescribed period, in accordance with prevailing laws. Access data are collected for six months.
The data subject is entitled to request to the rightholder to access his or her personal data, as well as the rectification, erasure and restriction of processing, or to refuse the processing of the data. These requests will be considered to the extent that they do not conflict with applicable legislation.
Every data subject should have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority: Italian Data Protection Authority:
Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on the next visit.
Cookies of the so-called “third parties” are sent by a different website than the one the user is visiting. This is because on each site there may be elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on different servers than that of the site being visited.
Cookies are used for different purposes:
– Session cookies, for the execution of informatic authentications, sessions monitoring, storage of information on specific settings about users which access to the server, recording of customer preferences, etc.
– Technical cookies, which are used to navigate or to provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes and are generally installed directly by the website owner.
– Profiling cookies, used to track down user navigation and to create profiles according to his or her tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies, advertising messages can be transmitted to the user’s terminal, in line with the preferences already expressed by the same user when browsing online.
In this website, session, technical and profiling cookies are used.
The use of session cookies (that is to say temporary cookies, which are removed with the logging out of the browser) is strictly functional to optimizing the use of the website and therefore aimed at guaranteeing the best navigation experience.
Among technical cookies, there are analytical cookies with IP address anonymisation, with respect to which the third party undertakes not to cross-reference the information contained in the cookies with other already at its disposal (these cookies are equiparated to technical cookies by the Italian legislation, through the chiarimento del Garante).
Tecnhical cookies do not require consent and are automatically installed following access to the website.
Third-parti profiling cookies have the scope of analyzing the user’s actions, the sites visited and providing, through third-party partners, commercial content and advertising in line with the user’s interests. There may also be cookies for connecting to social networks.
Technologies, similar but other thank cookies, could be used for the same purposes. The use of the aforementioned technnologies is ruled by the privacy policies of the respective companies and not by this police.
Profilinkg cookies are installed only after the uer explicitly gives consent.
For third-party cookies: Google Analytics.
If you wish to investigate further the ways your browser stores cookies during your navigation, please follow these links for the website of the respective supplier:
– Cookies in Mozilla Firefox
– Cookies in Google Chrome
– Cookies in Internet Explorer
– Cookies in Safari 6 e Safari 7
– Cookies in Safari 8
– Cookies in Safari su iPhone, iPad e iPod.
For particular processing purposes, there are specific information with express requests for consent.
Personal data will not be processed for any purposes, other than those for which they were collected.
Personal data are processed respecting the minimum security requirements as prescribed by the Allegato B of the Italian DL 196/2003 and the art. 32 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
The Google Analytics personal data protection policy is available at this link.
By browsing our website, you are agreeing to our privacy policy and consent to its terms. If you would like more information or have any queston about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.